Steve Fleischmann has tenacity, perseverance, and inspiration in spades. Steve is a four-time prostate cancer survivor who now balances his time with his family, a variety of different sports, fundraising for cancer research and advocating for cancer patients.
Steve was 47 when he was first diagnosed with prostate cancer during a routine checkup in 2003. After talking with friends and doing his own research, Steve sought the care of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance’s Prostate Oncology Center specialist Dr. Paul Lange. You can learn more Seattle Cancer Care Alliance here:
Steve established the first (and still the only) fundraiser for Prostate Cancer research and in past years Colin Powell, Lance Armstrong and The Tenors have all wowed the crowd. So far, Steve and his team have raised over $9M dollars. You can learn more about Steve’s fundraising efforts here:
Steve has also coached and mentored inmates at penitentiaries all over the world on how to create a life of meaning and purpose. This inspired Steve to create (and fund) a program called University Beyond Bars, which similar to the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program, where he trains those who are serving life sentences to mentor younger inmates.
During my conversation with Steve, we discuss the importance of:
– Authenticity
– Living in the moment
– Helping others and
– How taking risks brings purpose and value to life.
I’m really excited to share Steve’s insights with you – let’s dive in!