Ep. 56: Erin Lowry, the “Broke Millennial”

Erin Lowry, the “Broke Millennial”

Millennials make up the largest generation in our country. How are they navigating life’s major financial milestones as they get older? What are the unique challenges they face and how does money affect their relationships?

Erin Lowry helps millennials get their financial lives together. 

Erin is a personal finance expert and the author of the Broke Millennial series, including her new book, Broke Millennial Takes on Investing

Erin effectively translates the important principles of personal finance to help fellow millennials gain control of their money. On this episode, she shares her insight into the millennial mindset around money, the factors that shaped it, and more.

You can learn more about Erin and her work at brokemillennial.com

We discuss:

  • Myths (and truths!) about millennials.
  • How parents and millennials can tackle difficult financial scenarios.
  • Why millennials — and people in general — don’t like talking about money.
  • How to deal with money in relationships by becoming “financially naked.”
  • The advice that millennials should not take.
  • The asset millennials have that older generations do not.

To learn more about turning meaningful wealth into a meaningful life filled with passion and purpose, connect with me on social media at @jcchristianson or send me an email at john@jcchristianson.com

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